I help you > Reach The Right Audiences > With The Right Messages > Through The Right Channels
Create a Plan
Work the Plan
Business $ Growth
Work the Plan
The best football teams don’t win by throwing a desperation “Hail Mary” pass. They win by consistently moving the ball forward. Together we will create a plan and work the plan to enhance your credibility in the marketplace.
Paul Carr is an experienced marketing leader, helping clients achieve success in telling their stories to customers and clients.
He has handled marketing or public relations for a couple of hundred clients and thousands of projects, for both businesses and non-profits, in industries including health care, hospitals, higher education, service businesses, sports marketing, technology, commercial real estate, food manufacturing, food trucks, churches, social services, donor development, and more.
I help you > Reach The Right Audiences > With The Right Messages > Through The Right Channels
Option 1– Evaluation
Option 1 is for leaders who want an evaluation of their overall marketing efforts, to focus on the right audiences with the right messages through the right channels. This option is for leaders wanting a snapshot of where your marketing is today, and a plan for where it should be headed tomorrow.
Option 2 – Fractional CMO
Option 2 offers ongoing consulting as your fractional chief marketing officer. You and your team can implement the choices made, but you need regular conversations with an expert to help evaluate and guide your decisions.
Option 3 – CMO Plus
Option 3 includes the wisdom and guidence of your fractional chief marketing officer in Option 2, plus hands-on assistance to get the jobs done. This includes creating content personally, directing your in-house staff, or managing your external designers. If your question is, “can you help us get it done,” then my answer is “Yes!”
I help you identify
the right audiences for
your best-selling services.
We Build Relationships
I get to know you and your business, so my recommendations and ideas are focused on you.
We Review All Channels
Integrated Marketing also includes public relations, advertising, community relations and events. I’ll advise what should work best for your company or non-profit. Most clients do not need everything. All clients need to focus and be intentional to improve sales.
I help you target
the right messages
to the right audiences.
Step 4
The final step is to work the plan. You can take over here and handle it in-house, or you can hire me to work with you to get things done. The key is to begin working the plan step by step. Being consistent over time. No single tactic scores every time. But consistent integrated marketing efforts grow businesses.
Don't chase every new app.
You get better ROI when you focus on what works for your business.
Social Media is Not One, but a Group of Channels
Be Selective
“Small businesses and non-profits do not need to chase every social media app. Choose the ones that reach your audiences.
For B2C, every company should have Facebook & Instagram. Add SnapChat & Tiktok for youth, Pinterest for women.
For B2B, LinkedIn is key."
Marketing, Public Relations Expert
Public Relations is a Another Channel
Be Intentional
Public Relations is often called "earned media," while advertising is called "paid media." PR is earned because you have to earn the media's attention and coverage. PR is story-telling, and every story needs a news hook to capture the media's interest.
With my background as a news reporter, I have skipped past hundreds of media releases because they did not treat me as the first audience. A PR release must meet a reporter's need for a good story. That means I won't write or submit a release that wastes a reporter's time.
In the past year, multiple clients have earned media coverage numerous times on four different Central Texas television news channels, four area newspapers, a couple of city magazines, a local radio station and with a local news blogger. Why? Because I worked with those clients to find newsworthy stories.
Good public relations can be focused on influencing external audience or internal audiences. Yes audiences can be potential new customers, clients or donors, but your audiences also include current customers, clients, donors, contractors, vendors, patients, students, parents, staff, volunteers, etc.
Adjusting your messages for each audience while holding fast to your brand is essential integrated marketing at its best.
1-time review vs. ongoing help
I work with two types of clients:
1) Business leaders who need Option 1 – a one-time review of current marketing along with advice and direction so they can focus their in-house marketing efforts;
2) Teams who prefer Option 2 – ongoing coaching or Option 3 – ongoing coaching and a hands-on partner to come alongside to help get things done.
Not every business or non-profit needs the same things. I help you identify your primary audiences, the key messages they need to hear, and the channels that reach them best. Then we create a plan to help you tell your story to grow your business. It is like having your own chief marketing officer!
Let’s Make Things Happen Together
Consistent, steady marketing to
> Reach The Right Audiences
> With The Right Messages
> Through The Right Channels
is crucial in reaching new customers.
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